
Frequent questions

In pepeRaf we want to give you the maximum information about the Raf tomato, and for this we put at your disposal a section in which we try to answer some of the questions that our clients ask us most.

The most frequently asked questions

How to buy

The registration, product selection and purchase system is similar to other websites, but if you have any doubts, these are the steps to follow.

How to buy on our website

Collection and delivery

We take our Raf tomatoes directly to your newly picked home or business and almost anywhere. Discover all the delivery methods that we put at your disposal.

Thus we deliver our products

Payment Methods

Your trust is our greatest value, and therefore at pepeRaf we only use secure payment platforms. Find out what they are, and stay calm.

Pay safely

Tomato Raf for professionals

Shops, restaurants, bars, hotels ... everyone wants to have the best products on the market for their customers. At pepeRaf we offer you a fair platform so you can offer the best Raf tomatoes in the world.

Offers for professionals

Environmental commitment

In pepeRaf we are committed to providing you with healthy foods, and to make a sustainable management of the resources that nature lends us.

Our sustainable crop

Legal aspects

As a user you have the right to know what we do with your personal data, what are the conditions of sale, or what cookies our website uses.

Legal aspects