Raf Tomato

History of Raf Tomato

The true story of a single tomato.

The authentic Raf tomato was born in France in the early 60s in response to the demand of farmers at the time to get a tomato variety that was resistant to the “Fusarium” fungus. They quickly realized that this tomato had a difficult adaptation, until, and almost by chance, at the end of the 60s it reached Almería, where the special conditions of soil, water and climate of some areas made it the best tomato in the world .

The founders of pepeRaf
The founders of pepeRaf

How is the real Raf tomato?

In pepeRaf we teach you to differentiate the authentic Raf tomato from its hybrids or imitations.

How is the real Raf tomato?
How is the real Raf tomato?
When does the Raf tomato season begin?
When does the Raf tomato season begin?


When does the Raf tomato season begin?

How big is a Raf tomato?
How big is a Raf tomato?


How big is a Raf tomato?

We show you what sizes a Raf tomato can have.

Raf Size
How is Raf tomato consumed?
How is Raf tomato consumed?


How is Raf tomato consumed?

Tips for preserving Raf tomato
Tips for preserving Raf tomato


Tips for preserving Raf tomato

How is Raf tomato prepared?
How is Raf tomato prepared?


How is Raf tomato prepared?

Properties of the Raf tomato
Properties of the Raf tomato


Properties of the Raf tomato

Raf tomato cultivation

To grow the authentic Raf tomato you need a long experience and knowledge of its surroundings. A unique natural environment that provides these special features.

Raf tomato plant
Raf tomato plant